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Taste the Love of Nepal
Bern's very first Nepali Kitchen and Take Away
frisch, authentisch, hausgemacht
Take Away

Wir bieten auch Take Away an.
Wenn Sie Ihr eigenes Gefäss mitbringen,
erhalten Sie 5 % Rabatt.
Per Telefon vorbestellen oder einfach vorbeikommen.
Für Lieferungen sind wir über Just Eat verfügbar.

Where It All Began
The journey that started in 1993 from POKHARA, the city and a valley, known for its natural beauty, came to an end in 1995 as we reached Bern, Switzerland.
On the way we discovered our interest in two very essential elements of hospitality: Cooking and customer care. And with the time it became our passion. Passion in fine, fresh, delicious and healthy cooking and serving it to our guests happily.
– Yukta and Heera Gurung
Über uns

"Namaste. It was a Nepalese greeting.
It meant: The light within me bows to the light within you."
Jennifer Donnelly
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